Thursday, September 23, 2010


Momma makes funny noises.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Baby Boilermaker

Saturday is game day.  It was the third week of college football.  Even though I ordered this Purdue dress before football started it just arrived last Monday.  So Corinne finally got to sport her game day gear!!  Too bad there were 5 Big Ten football games on at the same time and since we live in Ohio we only got coverage of the Ohio State game.  Booo!  But Corinne looked as cute as a cupcake anyway!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

I'm not tired!!

I have no problem (usually) getting Corinne to sleep at night, but naps are another story!  The other day she refused to nap in the afternoon, so I let her play in her Super Seat.  She was a little whiny about it (but she wasn't crying like she was when lying down) so I gave her a pacifier.  I was just in the kitchen, unloading the dishwasher.  I turned back around to find her asleep in her seat!  The poor girl kept startling herself with her bobbing head, though, so I had to take her out of the seat.  I'm glad the camera was handy!! 

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


I hate shots day!  Corinne is 4 months old today, so off to the pediatrician we went!  She is 12 lbs. 15 oz (40th percentile) and 26" long (90th percentile).  Doc was a little concerned with the weight as it slowed a little from her last appointment, but if she stays on that curve (and doesn't seem hungry) all is well.  If she keeps slowing down then we'll have to introduce solids a little earlier than planned.  She got two shots today and she's been very grumpy about it!  Although I did managed to put her in her pack'n'play for a bit so I could eat some lunch.  

She's whining again, so the blogging will come to an end now............

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Little Head

 Corinne and I go to an exercise class twice a week.  At the first class the instructor told use to put a hat and gloves in the car for the little ones and ourselves so we're prepared in case there's a chilly morning.  So of course I set out to make a hat and mittens for Corinne.  I grabbed a pattern that my mom gave me and set about making the smallest hat on the pattern without measuring, assuming it would fit.  Boy was I wrong!  It was huge!!!  It says it's for infants.  I don't know where they found the infant they used for sizing.  So I had to come up with a different plan.

I opted for a custom (easier) hat.  The first one didn't work out.  I forgot to divide my panel length in half.  But the third time was a charm!!  I used scrap fabric from her Halloween costume to make this jester hat and pom poms.  Isn't she the silliest, cutest thing ever?

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Taking in Nature

 We have so much fun at our park playdates with the mom's group.  We sure are going to miss them when the weather gets cold.  On Thursday we went to the Sugarcreek park, laid out some blankets and let the little ones check out the trees.  It was a gorgeous day and the trees provided some shade.  The older kids hid in the twig tepees and checked out the leaves and nuts that fell from the trees.  The little ones watched.  
There was a very large tree trunk that had been cut to act like a rocking chair and Corinne and I had fun in it.  She asked me to cut her a large trunk for her back yard.  I guess I should get working on that.  

We had a great time and it was a nice distraction for the afternoon since John was out of town for work.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Like Limp Bizkit Said........

Keep rollin' rollin' rollin' rollin'

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Cousin Landon

Corinne's cousin Landon (technically second cousin I guess) came to visit us at the lake house over the holiday weekend.  Landon was born 6 weeks after Corinne (and a few weeks early) so he was a peanut the first time the met (at one week old), but boy has he grown.  They are just about the same size!!  What a difference 9 weeks makes.  They had fun  playing together.  And it was so cute to hear them baby talk.  I'll upload a video in my next post!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Baby Mover

A baby and a Beetle don't mix!  We were able to fit the carseat in the car, but the passenger seat had to be all the way forward and fully upright in order to fit the carseat behind it.  AKA, the passenger was very uncomfortable!  Also, the stroller doesn't fit in the trunk.  It fits behind the driver's seat, but it's not safe to have it back there.  It also narrowly fit in the front seat, but most the time I couldn't get it back out without injuring myself (or breaking a nail).  So with reluctance I listed Ribbit (my Beetle) for sale. I didn't get any takers, yet, but we went ahead and got a new baby mover.  A new Honda CR-V!! 

It feels so different than the Beetle.  I sit higher, it's bigger, and there's not as much head room.  But so far I'm loving it!!  The driver's seat has an arm rest!  The stroller fits in the cargo area!  It has super A/C!  It has new car smell!!  It's shiny!  The passenger seat isn't on top of the dashboard! It has 4 doors!  I've never owned a 4 door car before.  I will miss the heated seats (it was only available with leather), but I think I'll survive.

And just for nostalgia sake, here's a picture of Corinne in the Beetle when she was about a week and a half old (after a trip to the pediatrician's office).

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Little Ears

We had a rough weekend.  There was a lot of crying involved.  That crying turned into screaming and we took a trip to the pediatrician's office.  My little Cupcake has an ear infection.  Apparently ear infections hurt most when you lay the little one down.  Well, she spends a lot of time laying down, so it's no surprise she was so unhappy.  Some acetaminophen and some amoxicillin later and we're all happier and sleeping better!  The big issue is trying to get all that medicine in her without making a mess!  I especially don't like that it's pink!  We now have some pink medicine on her pjs, on a burp cloth, and even a drip of pink on this cute polka dot outfit.  But at least she's smiling now!!