Saturday, November 27, 2010


She loved them! It was a slow start with avocado. It took a few tries before she ate them. Oatmeal was the same. But bananas, she ate them all the first time she tried them. And there was barely any banana on her face. We had a little banana dribbling, but it was mostly banana munching. OK, there wasn't much munching since she has no teeth and I ran the banana through the food mill, but you get my drift. So, we'll give bananas a few more days to make sure she doesn't have a reaction and then we'll try something else! I'm thinking sweet potatoes!!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Finger Food

Avocado, take 2!  Actually, this was day 3 of avocado.  I put a glob of it on the tray to see if she'd eat it with her hands.  She didn't.  She sure did like spreading it all over the tray, though.  Oh, and the spoon sure is fun to play with.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Food Fight!!!

Corinne turned 6 months old this week and we got the go ahead to start her on solid food.  It really wasn't much of a fight.  She didn't hate the avocado, but she also didn't seem to love it.  Mostly it was the reaction I expected.  She just wasn't sure what to do with the food.  I'm not sure she swallowed any of it!  I think her favorite part was the spoon.  She wanted to play with it and feed herself.  All in all I think it was a successful introduction.  She'll get avocado for a few days and then we'll move on to something else.  I'm thinking oatmeal.  Then maybe bananas.  This is going to be fun!  (and messy!)

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

When Good Times Turn Bad!

Corinne loves to play!  She is much happier playing on her belly than she used to be now that she can lift her head up high and scoot around to get to her toys.  She also gets up on all 4s like she's going to crawl.  She has gotten really good at sitting up as well.  I think she'd sit all day if I let her.  She sometimes forgets that she needs to nap when she's having so much fun and we end up with a meltdown!  At least after a meltdown she gets a good nap!!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Monday, November 8, 2010