I will not claim to be a food critic, but I love to eat (who doesn't?) and I've had my fair share of sweets so I kinda think I know what I'm talking about. And maybe I'm just practicing for a future career in food criticing (and now I'm making up words, too!).
The recipe was easy to follow and the dough came together quickly, which I like. I spread out my grahams and set to scoop out my dough, but the recipe didn't tell me how much to scoop. I went with my usual Pampered Chef Medium Scoop. (that is the secret to perfectly shaped cookies) It seemed like the right amount. The recipe says to put them in the preheated oven for no more than 11 minutes or the graham cracker will burn. Well, my oven runs hot so I always knock a minute off. The first batch went in for 10. They came out looking cooked and the graham cracker was definitely a bit darker. Some of the cookies oozed over and marshmallow got stuck on the baking sheet. IMPORTANT LESSON: If that happens you need to wash the marshmallow off!!! When I put the next batch in on that cookie sheet the graham crackers stuck to the sheet and I could not get the cookies off without destroying them!! The recipe said it would yield about 4 dozen cookies, but I didn't even get 3 dozen out of the batch, so maybe the medium scoop wasn't the right size?
I let the cookies cool and dug in. At first I wasn't happy. The graham cracker was crunchy and the cookies were still a bit gooey on the inside. I confess I'm a fanatic for soft cookies, so the crunchy part was killing me! I don't have any reviews from the ladies at bowling because the cookies didn't actually make it there. You see, when fighting with the last few cookies that were stuck to the baking sheet I bumped the cooling rack and two dozen cookies flew across the room. After throwing a huge hissy fit (and putting the dog in his crate so he could not attack them) I scooped up the cookies, but they could not be saved. Many broke, several hit face first and stuck to the floor, and I just couldn't serve floor cookies to people! The good news is I had almost a dozen left for taste testing. So, day 2 I taste again and I'm much happier!!! The graham cracker has softened up and the dough seemed less gooey. All in all not a bad cookie. My only complaint now is that the graham cracker is a bit overwhelming. I can barely taste any marshmallow. (I ate at least 3 cookies to make sure it wasn't just an off sample). I may make them again, but I wonder if I couldn't find a better one out there....... If you have a great s'more cookie recipe please share!!! I'd love to try it out!!
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