Friday, August 26, 2011

All is well!!

We went to the Children's Hospital last Friday for an EKG for the heart murmur that Cupcake's pediatrician heard at her 15 month appointment.  The ultrasound tech was very positive about the appointment.  She said she didn't hear it, but the cardiologist would want to look at the pictures, take some measurements and listen to the recordings.  Well, apparently he liked what he saw and heard because he said everything was normal!!  Yay!  We were very pleased with the news.

The weather around here has been fantastic so we've spent some time outdoors.  We visited two Metroparks this week.  Cupcake and daddy played at Wegerzyn while momma took a photography class and then she and momma went to Stroller Strut at the arboretum with some friends.  We had a picnic afterward and a long nap when we got home.

We also had a playdate/birthday party this week. The kids had a great time playing in the water table and going down the slide. They loved the slide so much there were a lot of tantrums while waiting their turns!  Oh, toddlers!  They sure are fun.  Corinne devoured a cupcake and again took a long nap when we got home.

That seems to be the theme these days.  Play hard and sleep hard. And we wouldn't have it any other way.

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